For almost two years now, the Illinois Supreme Court has been implementing its e-filing initiative. On October 21, 2013, the Association presented a luncheon program in Chicago that focused on updates to the e-filing system. The program featured Illinois Appellate Court Justice Ann B. Jorgensen (Second District); Clerk of the Illinois Supreme Court Carolyn Taft Grosboll; and Chief Deputy Clerk Melissa Roth.
Justice Jorgensen updated the members and guests with the e-filing program in the counties. Deputy Clerk Roth also provided a live e-filing demonstration. Clerk Grosboll addressed the Association by discussing a brief history on the position of the Illinois Supreme Court Clerk and the operations of the Supreme Court Clerk’s office. Grosboll noted that her father was the last elected Clerk of the Supreme Court and served from 1968 to 1975. Clell Woods was the first appointed Clerk, and Juleann Hornyak served the office for more than 28 years before her retirement. Grosboll has been the Clerk since January 2011.
In addition to tracking the Court’s case filings, Grosboll’s office maintains the master roll of attorneys, processes the licensing of all attorneys in Illinois, and oversees the registration of the law firms doing business in Illinois.
With respect to the e-business initiative in the courts, Grosboll explained that the Supreme Court began the e-filing pilot project in January 2012. After the pilot program was successful, the Court expanded e-filing of all cases on the Court’s general and MR dockets. Grosboll noted that, since the Clerk’s office began the program, it has successfully e-filed approximately 1,200 documents. The Clerk’s office is also in the process of creating a new case management system for all of the Illinois courts of review. Grosboll anticipated that the new system will go live in March 2015 in the Supreme Court, and the entire process will be completed in 2016.